Status: | Active, open to new members |
When: | on Tuesday afternoons 1st Tuesday at Cheadle Library 1:30 |
Venue: | Cheadle Library |
The group meets in the Cheadle Library Community Room at 1.30pm – 3pm every 2nd Tuesday of the month, and has a short pause for tea and biscuits. The venue has proved a popular choice - both convenient and accessible. The library has a loan scheme for book groups which enables us to keep the books until the next meeting and if any member cannot attend they can collect the book or return it to the library when it is open.
Members also make their own choices of books in turn. Our ‘Archivist’ keeps a record of our verdicts and key comments. We give each book a consensus star rating. Everyone can read with different levels of depth and enjoyment, which makes for a good and stimulating session.
Jean Lawrowitsch
For preference please contact by email: or 0161 428 9678